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Pea Protein Probiotic Shake

Gut Balance Restored by Nature

Better digestive and immune health

Discover Gut Wellness by Nature

Revitalise your gut health with NutraBurst traditional prebiotic Acacia Gum and probiotic yeast. Containing the first probiotic recognised in medicine and the only type of yeast that acts as a probiotic, NutraBurst will improve digestion, boost the immune system and metabolic health

Gut Health

Prioritise your gut health and feel the difference

When you restore your natural gut balance, you can experience better nutrient absorption, boosted metabolism, improved immunity, a flatter, calmer stomach and an overall healthier, better you. Using the power of natural, ancient remedies, NutraBurst is packed full of macro nutrients to combat the effects of a busy lifestyle, recover from illness or cope with big life changes.

Hero Product Feature 10
Hero Product Feature 10 1 Mobile

NutraBurst – a centuries-old solution revitalised for modern day living

Discover NutraBurst – ancient, traditional and natural ingredients for modern-day gut health. No secret ingredients. Just natural, simple solutions.

Hero Key Ingredients
Sacc Boulardii Mobile
Acacia Gum Mobile

Product Testimonials

Explore the real-life experience of individuals who have made NutraBurst an integral part of their wellness journey


Age: 24
Location: Cambridge
Lifestyle: Working full-time, active, living away from family
History: Fast-paced London lifestyle but a passion for keeping fit and an avid gym-goer. Prone to enjoying the occasional fast-food treat after a long night out

Alice’s Pain Points

Alice struggles with balancing her love of health and fitness with the urge to indulge in the occasional indulgence. Coffee, pizza and burgers are a particular weakness! However, Alice understands that she needs to feed her body well to maintain her well-being. After discovering NutraBurst, Alice now feels balanced after a heavy night out with greater energy and comfortable digestion that helps maintain her fitness.

How Alice uses NutraBurst

Post workout recovery
Nutraburst is Alice’s go to plant protein shake with the probiotic she takes during the post-recovery window to optimise her workout and repair and build muscle faster.

Midday boost
To keep the hunger pangs away during a hectic day, Alice makes up a shake or a banana smoothie with Nutraburst until her next meal as a quick and easy protein and nutrition boost.


Age: 33
Location: Manchester
Lifestyle: Frequent dieter, looking to achieve gains
History: Likes evening out with friends but is conscious of trying to improve his health and achieve weight loss to complement muscle improvement and strength

Will’s Pain Points

Will struggled with his weight in his younger years but as he approaches his mid-Thirties, he has tried many different diets to combat weight gain and improve his metabolism. Injury, work commitments and stress have slowed down his progress and leave him feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable. Will does Intermittent Fasting and wants to hit the 16-hour target but finds it beyond his reach. Since discovering NutraBurst, he now fasts for longer and feels better, leaving him feeling trim and healthier.

How Will like to use NutraBurst

Fasting Support
Will includes NutraBurst within his eating window during intermittent fasting, to improve his fibre intake during intermittent fasting days.

Because of the NutraBurst’s yeast probiotic, undigested carbohydrates and sugars get broken down, helping to release other enzymes that support nutrient absorption. Will makes sure Nutraburst is part of his last evening meal to boost workout recovery.


Age: 40
Location: London
Lifestyle: Working mother, likes to keep fit
History: Busy, ambitious and driven career-woman, juggling family life in urban setting

Bushra’s Pain Points

Bushra is in the prime of her life but also the busiest period. With 2 young children and a full-time job, she balances being a professional, mother, wife, daughter and friend. Everyday life can be fast and stressful, leaving little time to eat properly. A recent procedure, to address the impact of poor diet on-the-go, highlighted a need to improve her gut health. NutraBurst, with its prebiotics, probiotics, and nutrients has significantly improved how Brenda feels each day, raised her energy levels and put a spring back in her step.

The different ways Bushra incorporates NutraBurst into her routine

Morning Smoothie
Not being a breakfast person, a banana smoothie blended with NutraBurst gives Brenda an easily digestible protein and with its high fibres, she powers through the morning.

Family Treat
After dinner dessert are an occasional family treat but Brenda struggled to find healthy options. A NutraBurst milkshake with a twist, using coconut milk, goes down a storm with the kids and taste great – whilst also providing nutrition and fibre


Age: 64
Location: Poole
Lifestyle: Mother, retiree
History: Health-conscious, sixty-year-old enjoying the peace of costal living

Ana’s Pain Points

Ana gracefully accepts the changes that come with growing older but changes in appetite and metabolism, first noticed post-menopause, has presented problems. Bloating and sensitive digestion meant Ana sought a natural product to support better gut health. Now with NutraBurst, Ana enjoys improved gut health, which has also given her better energy levels.

How Ana likes to use NutraBurst

Morning walk recovery
After a brisk 3000 steps morning walk in the park with her husband, Ana comes home to a Greek yoghurt spooned in with a serving of Nutraburst. Gentle but nutritional recovery replenishment

Evening guilt-free indulgence
Eating for gut health doesn’t mean Ana forgoes her sweet tooth. She sometimes whips up a chocolate mousse with Nutraburst for a gut-friendly treat.


Age: 24
Location: Cambridge
Lifestyle: Working full-time, active, living away from family
History: Fast-paced London lifestyle but a passion for keeping fit and an avid gym-goer. Prone to enjoying the occasional fast-food treat after a long night out

Alice’s Pain Points

Alice struggles with balancing her love of health and fitness with the urge to indulge in the occasional indulgence. Coffee, pizza and burgers are a particular weakness! However, Alice understands that she needs to feed her body well to maintain her well-being. After discovering NutraBurst, Alice now feels balanced after a heavy night out with greater energy and comfortable digestion that helps maintain her fitness.

How Alice uses NutraBurst

Post workout recovery
Nutraburst is Alice’s go to plant protein shake with the probiotic she takes during the post-recovery window to optimise her workout and repair and build muscle faster.

Midday boost
To keep the hunger pangs away during a hectic day, Alice makes up a shake or a banana smoothie with Nutraburst until her next meal as a quick and easy protein and nutrition boost.


Age: 33
Location: Manchester
Lifestyle: Frequent dieter, looking to achieve gains
History: Likes evening out with friends but is conscious of trying to improve his health and achieve weight loss to complement muscle improvement and strength

Will’s Pain Points

Will struggled with his weight in his younger years but as he approaches his mid-Thirties, he has tried many different diets to combat weight gain and improve his metabolism. Injury, work commitments and stress have slowed down his progress and leave him feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable. Will does Intermittent Fasting and wants to hit the 16-hour target but finds it beyond his reach. Since discovering NutraBurst, he now fasts for longer and feels better, leaving him feeling trim and healthier.

How Will like to use NutraBurst

Post workout recovery
Nutraburst is Alice’s go to plant protein shake with the probiotic she takes during the post-recovery window to optimise her workout and repair and build muscle faster.

Midday boost
To keep the hunger pangs away during a hectic day, Alice makes up a shake or a banana smoothie with Nutraburst until her next meal as a quick and easy protein and nutrition boost.


Age: 40
Location: London
Lifestyle: Working mother, likes to keep fit
History: Busy, ambitious and driven career-woman, juggling family life in urban setting

Bushra’s Pain Points

Bushra is in the prime of her life but also the busiest period. With 2 young children and a full-time job, she balances being a professional, mother, wife, daughter and friend. Everyday life can be fast and stressful, leaving little time to eat properly. A recent procedure, to address the impact of poor diet on-the-go, highlighted a need to improve her gut health. NutraBurst, with its prebiotics, probiotics, and nutrients has significantly improved how Brenda feels each day, raised her energy levels and put a spring back in her step.

The different ways Bushra incorporates NutraBurst into her routine

Morning Smoothie
Not being a breakfast person, a banana smoothie blended with NutraBurst gives Brenda an easily digestible protein and with its high fibres, she powers through the morning.

Family Treat
After dinner dessert are an occasional family treat but Brenda struggled to find healthy options. A NutraBurst milkshake with a twist, using coconut milk, goes down a storm with the kids and taste great – whilst also providing nutrition and fibre


Age: 64
Location: Poole
Lifestyle: Mother, retiree
History: Health-conscious, sixty-year-old enjoying the peace of costal living

Ana’s Pain Points

Ana gracefully accepts the changes that come with growing older but changes in appetite and metabolism, first noticed post-menopause, has presented problems. Bloating and sensitive digestion meant Ana sought a natural product to support better gut health. Now with NutraBurst, Ana enjoys improved gut health, which has also given her better energy levels.

How Ana likes to use NutraBurst

Morning walk recovery
After a brisk 3000 steps morning walk in the park with her husband, Ana comes home to a Greek yoghurt spooned in with a serving of Nutraburst. Gentle but nutritional recovery replenishment

Evening guilt-free indulgence
Eating for gut health doesn’t mean Ana forgoes her sweet tooth. She sometimes whips up a chocolate mousse with Nutraburst for a gut-friendly treat.