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Our Ingredients

As the engine to the body, our digestive system is a complex and finely-tuned internal environment which is directly connected to the brain, circulation and endocrine system. Poor gut health can result in nutrient malabsorption, dehydration, toxicity and plummeting energy levels. When the engine isn’t performing correctly, your whole wellbeing can be affected.

Why do we use traditional, natural ingredients?

To restore health, we need to go back to a natural state. The effects of modern diet and lifestyle are wreaking havoc on the enzyme and digestive state of many people.

Nature holds the answer. At NuTreeGut, we draw upon research and development of naturally-grown ingredients to showcase the power of ancient remedies for restoring digestive health.

Here’s what’s inside

Find the right fuel for your gut to restore its natural balance, feel and live better.

Sc Square
Ag Square
Acacia Gum
Pp Square
Pea Protein
Oatflour White
Oat Flour
Tf Sq
Tapioca Flour

Sacchromyces Boulardii

Saccharomyces Boulardii was first isolated around one hundred years ago by the French botanist, Henri Boulard. Boulard noticed that local people who took a drink made from mangosteen and lychee skins had reduced symptoms from Cholera. Boulard eventually traced its powers to the yeast Saccharomyces Boulardii and discovered the yeast which fuels NutraBurst.

What makes Sacchromyces Boulardii stand out as a probiotic?

It is the first probiotic recognised in medicine and the only type of yeast that acts as a probiotic. Like some bacterial probiotics, Saccharomyces Boulardii can survive the gastric juices as it travels through the stomach and isn’t killed by antibiotics. Coincidentally it grows exactly at 37 C, the human body temperature, making it perfect for supporting and restoring optimum long-term health.

How does Sacchromyces Boulardii work?

This yeast probiotic produces proteins that act as a decoy for the toxins in pathogenic (harmful) bacteria to prevent them from attaching to the gut lining. It produces short- chain fatty acids which strengthens the gut lining, improving digestion and circulation. Sacchromyces Boulardii also encourages the secretion of IgA a protein that strengthens immunity and decreases inflammation levels, helping to heal and restore.

Take a look at this video to really appreciate this powerful ancient probiotic.

Acacia Gum Prebiotic

Acacia Gum Prebiotic is the gum from the Acacia Senegal tree found in many African countries such as Sudan. The gum form as golden blobs on these trees and is also known as “the tree with the golden tears.” Used for centuries by local people, Acacia Gum Prebiotic is natural, organic and minimally-processed to harness its restorative powers.

What is a Prebiotic?

A prebiotic is a specific type of fibre that can be used by certain gut bacteria and provide a health benefit. Bacteria is found along the whole length of the intestine but mostly in the lower part of the large intestines.

Pea Protein

Why choose Pea Protein for NutraBurst?

Pea protein is the most accepted plant protein for people looking for a plant-based alternative to whey or to the allergen soya. How your body takes up dietary pea protein varies from person to person depending on its digestion by your enzymes and how your gut bacteria ferment it, however for most people it is a protein of choice and easily digestible.

How does Pea Protein help gut health?

Our pea protein isolate, a nutritional powerhouse with guaranteed 80% protein content, fosters a flourishing gut environment by producing short-chain fatty acids. Packed with essential amino acids, it stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria, fortifying your gut defence.

Pea Protein has lower levels of some essential amino acids. How does NutraBurst improve this?

Emerging evidence shows that taking Pea Protein with probiotics improves the level of certain amino acids usually found in lower levels than in whey.

Oat Flour

What is the function of oat in NutraBurst?

The dietary fibre, macro and micronutrients and beta glucans in the Oat Flour delivers health benefits for which it is renowned. In particular, the dietary fibre beta- glucan in Oat Bran provides important health and functional benefits. In the body, Oat beta-glucan helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, blood glucose levels and healthy digestion.

How does oat contribute to gut health?

Oats are an important source of nutrients for your gut microbes and contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. Most grains contain very little soluble dietary fibre unlike oats with high levels of beta-glucan fibre which also acts as a prebiotic.

What is the link of oat consumption to tapioca starch?

The fibre in oats is embedded in unsaturated fats and a bioactive compound called phenols. Studies suggest that this type of fibre can reduce the rate of starch digestion.

What type of oat is used in NutraBurst and where is it sourced?

We use the finest grade of whole grain Oats grown and milled in Crewe and the oat flour in NutraBurst is processed without the use of chemicals.


Can cocoa really impact gut health?

Yes, the potential of compounds in cocoa and its products to modulate the gut microbiome is becoming increasingly recognised by researchers. This is because they are rich sources of an antioxidant compound called polyphenols. As they get broken down into metabolites, they become bioavailable and can enter the circulation, aiding digestion and reducing anti-oxidant stress on the body.

Is cocoa a prebiotic or probiotic?

Cocoa metabolites can modulate the composition of the gut microbiota and act as a prebiotic. They enhance the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and reduce pathogens. On the other hand, bioactive cocoa metabolites can enhance gut health, displaying anti-inflammatory activities, positively affecting immunity, and reducing the risk of various diseases.

Tapioca Flour

This is the first time I’ve heard about tapioca flour in drinks. Is it a modern innovation and is it healthy?

Tapioca Flour has been widely in South America and Southeast Asia, tapioca is used in a range of drinks and salads. Our Tapioca Starch from Cassava grown in Brazil and modified in the UK, is naturally gluten, saturated fat and cholesterol- free.

Aren’t starches usually quickly digested? How does it help gut health then?

Starches are mostly rapidly digested by gastric enzymes in the stomach, but modified Tapioca Starch is more resistant to stomach enzymes. This means that they can be fermented by gut microbes which are linked to a number of health benefits.

Does NutraBurst have other uses apart from a gut health drink?

With its high energy carbohydrate content and highly digestible pea protein isolate, NutraBurst is great as a post-workout recovery drink too.