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Welcome to NuTree Gut, where tradition meets innovation in the pursuit of better health.

Our Story

We are more than just a brand; we are a movement for people.

Gut health science is becoming big news and there’s increasing awareness about the link between digestive health and overall mental and physical well-being.

Across the world, researchers now perform DNA sequencing of bacteria to discover more about how this affects digestion. But modern science is only discovering this recently, traditional health remedies used by ancient communities have been using natural ingredients for years.

We believe in empowering communities and recognising the knowledge that they have safeguarded for years.

The people of the Sahel-Sahara region (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, and Senega) typically rely heavily on farming and natural agriculture. Over the last few decades, the impact of the climate crisis has fuelled food insecurity, with resources diminishing in the wake of extreme weather and drought. Now millions face food insecurity which threatens to eradicate not just people, but local knowledge and eco systems.

In Sarawak, Malaysia, an area known for its rich bio-diversity, poor infrastructure and changing agricultural conditions mean that despite a higher economic level, people are struggling.

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At NuTreeGut, we understand that these regions hold knowledge and expertise and that in return, we can support and give back to uplift local communities.

From NutraBurst, to our new products which include indigenous prebiotic ingredient from Sago Palm and Gum Arabic, we believe it is time that the modern world and traditional gut health remedies were brought together to support people of all communities.

Improve your gut and support the health of people and planet.


We’re sure you have heard of Probiotics before. But very few people have heard of Prebiotics – found not just in vegetables but trees all over the world. In studying traditional, natural remedies and the diverse communities who used them, we discovered how this forgotten knowledge was the answer to better health for modern-day living. Spurred on, we began to develop and test extracts and products, backed by scientific testing and a focus on creating a clean, effective natural remedy to digestive issues.

Prebiotics – from a tree?

Yes really. Trees don’t just give us oxygen – they can give us better gut health too!

The gum in the Acacia Senegal tree of Sudan and the starch in the palm sago of Malaysia, have been utilized by local communities for decades – not only for their health benefits but also as sources of livelihood, weaving a tapestry of tradition and wellness through the region. Understanding that the availability of these vital elements was diminishing, we envisioned a product that would not only embrace modern access but also honour traditional health practices.

Enter NutraBurst.

Our flagship product, NutraBurst is a powder beverage that seamlessly marries age-old wisdom with cutting-edge science. We believe in the power of combining natural, plant-based ingredients in their purest form with flavour and ease, crafting a unique blend that stands as a testament to our commitment to your well-being.

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But our journey doesn’t end here.

We are in a constant state of evolution, collaborating with our researchers in the UK and Malaysia to develop a new prebiotic ingredient. This ongoing dedication to research and development reflects our unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the pursuit of optimal health. There is so much out there that can help you and us all in feeling better.

Join us on this transformative journey, where every product we create is dedicated to your well-being.